Devlog: Jack
Day 1: We decided we wanted to create a 3D hack and slash, we had a few different themes we could use such as Zombies, monsters, medieval, but we ended up deciding on a Halloween style theme as the hand in date almost coincided with the Halloween holiday.
Day 2: Today we looked at different art styles that we wanted to emulate for our game. De ended up deciding on a cartoony, low poly art style as we think it would make the art assets easier to create and more easily run on lower end machines.
Day 3: I started to work on the movement mechanics in Unity, It utilizes WASD to movement and rotation. (WS to move forwards and backwards, and AD for rotating the player left and right. I also created a small script to make the camera follow the player character and to lock its rotation to the X axis.
Day 4: I finished working on the movement mechanics. Started working on the AI agent for the NPCs. The NPCs can now move to markers on the nav mesh.
Day 5: Expanded on the AI, the NPCs can now move to random markers and idle for a set anime of time before moving onto another random marker.
Day 6: I got a few houses and assets from Matt to determine the placement and scale of the roads and playable map area. The NPCs can now die/despawn when U get close to them and press the spacebar. Also did the first round of playtesting, no one liked the control mechanics because they told me it feels like they are driving a car and when you are walking downwards the controls are inverted. Talked with group to determine a fix or new solution
Day 7: Redesigned movement system to use mouse position on screen to determine player rotation. Extra Playtesting with the new movement system.
Day 8: Got character models, animation and rigs from Hazel. Added them into the game. Created animation controllers for NPC animations and player animations. Started working on a system that will make any observing NPC’s run away if the player kills an NPC within a certain proximity.
Day 9: Finished creating NPC runaway system, Tightened the NPC runaway speed, Player movement speed. Added dialog system to NPC’s that spawn random text when certain conditions are met. (Trick or treating idle, killed, runaway). Added candy drop system that drops pickups that the player can pick up and adds a score to the players counter. Added place holder UI.
Day 10: Added majority of Matts final assets into the game. Finialized map layout. Applied textures to assets. Added lighting to the scene. Added HDRP override screen space effects to the game. Added a countdown system and hooked it up to the UI.
Day 11: Added weapon pick up system and additional weapon models from Hazel and Matt. Added weapon break system. Expanded on candy drop system with random amounts of candy dropping from NPC’s killed.
Day 12: Game testing. Most feedback says the game is too short. Added a system that adds additional time to the countdown timer when you pick up candy. Added a system that spawns an animated blood pool when an NPC dies. Added a pause, reset and quit menu. Added a win/endgame window.
Day 13: Additional game testing. Added audio effects and music. Added finalized UI assets. Added Hazels game start menu scene. Adapted NPC code to make AI cars that drive around the map.
Day 14: Added the last of the UI assets. Created and implemented a loading screen system. Added a tutorial/controls window that shows on game start. Added analytics system that sends data on game exit and on game win/endgame.
Day 15: Gametesting. Repositioned some AI. Added standalone candy pickups. Added more AI cars. Added background music queue system. Published game.